Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Sims 2 Free Content

A few weeks ago I picked up the Sims 2 from my local library. (Great place to get games by the way) After I had played it for a little while I decried to go online and look for more content. I was surprised by what I found. Most of the content for the Sims 2 is not free. While I was searching for free content I stumbled upon this site, and what I read there surprised me. When EA released the Sims 2 and it's content creator, in the license it says, "You may include materials created with the Tools & Materials on your personal noncommercial website for the noncommercial benefit of the fan community for EA's products." That means that any content released for the Sims 2 is free. EA of all the people, known for milking their games, and now someone else tries to do the same, EA says "No milk for you!" If you play the Sims 2 and want free content check out the booty which has tons of pay content for free. So if you do pay for Sims 2 content, STOP SUPPORTING THESE RATS!

Here is an official response from EA on this matter.